Rupert Murdoch (pictured) has been at the fore of leading the media into new areas ever since he took over his father's business in Australia in late 1952. From purchasing major movie studios, to introducing satellite television into Britain, to completely changing the way newspapers were printed in the UK, Murdoch has adopted an aggressive policy of acquistitions on the back of heavy loans and huge debts. However, if you thought that the media mogul might be content with his vast empire then Ross Levinsohn's, president of Fox Interactive Media, address to a tech conference near San Jose, California, will have set you straight.
"Look, we're buying everything," Levinsohn said, before informing the room that he would probably acquire five companies in attendance, despite admitting he was unaware who was there.
It wasn't too long ago that the old media was denying the possibility of the internet ever challenging mainstream media as an effective form of news but it appears that it has changed its tune once again. However, companies should still remain aware of the consequences the last time an internet boom took place.
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